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Line plots#

This is an example on how you can create basic line plots with puma. Of course, this can be easily done with matplotlib directly, but by using puma you get the ATLAS tag and all the functionality puma.PlotObject supports.

"""Example for a basic line plot with puma."""

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from puma import Line2D, Line2DPlot

# This is just some dummy data to make the plot look reasonable
epochs = np.arange(0, 100)
training_loss = np.exp(-epochs) + np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=len(epochs)) + 0.8
validation_loss = np.exp(-epochs) + np.random.normal(0, 0.03, size=len(epochs)) + 0.85

# Initialise the plot
line_plot = Line2DPlot(
    atlas_second_tag="This is an example of a basic line plot",

# Add and draw the lines
line_plot.add(Line2D(epochs, training_loss, label="Training loss"))
line_plot.add(Line2D(epochs, validation_loss, label="Validation loss"))
line_plot.savefig("line_plot_example.png", transparent=False)