Umami integration
UPP is istalled alongside Umami and can be used from within the umami framework in a very simple manner
Umami-specific configs#
First you need to add umami-specific configs to the config file. Here is an example config:
plot_name: PFlow_ext-hybrid
plot_type: "pdf"
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, PFlow jets"
legend_sample_category: True
var_file: umami/user/upp_prep_small/config/Dips_Variables_R22.yaml
dict_file: <base_dir><out_dir>PFlow-scale_dict.json
compression: lzf
precision: float16
concat_jet_tracks: False
use_validation_samples: false
n_jets_to_plot: 3e4
save_tracks: true
save_track_labels: true
bool_attach_sample_weights: false
tracks_names: ["tracks"]
n_jets_scaling: 0
This config part mimics the umami config structure. Parameters in `general` mimic ones that are in the root of umami config. Parameters in `sampling`, `sampling.options`, `parameters` and `convert_to_tfrecord` mimic the corresponding structures in umami config. All the parameters given in the example should be given in order for UPP integration in umami to work except `parameters` and `convert_to_tfrecord`. You need to provide `convert_to_tfrecord` if you need to convert dataset to TFrecord and `parameters` oonly if you does not want to saveinto `<base_dir><out_dir>` by default.
Please refer to umami documentation [] for up-to-date explanation.
### Running preprocessing
After you make the necessary changes to the config file you can perform preprocessing in umami by running the umami/ script
the same way as you would do with the old umami preprocessing
cd umami --config_file path/to/my_upp_config.yaml --resampling --config_file path/to/my_upp_config.yaml --scaling --config_file path/to/my_upp_config.yaml --write
Umami will first try
to read the config file as an old umami preprocessing configuration. When that fails it will read the config as a UPP preprocessing config.
step will perform Upp preprocessing with this config file andsplit==all
step will execute umami version of rescaling code that will prepare a json scaling dictionary atdict_file
step will execute umamii code for scaling the variables and writing them in an unstructured scaling array it will also produce default umami preprocessing plots--to_records
step will execute umamii code for converting dataset to a TFrecords format
Note: --prepare
step will do nothing and will only trow an arror as UPP does not require (same) preparation as old umami preprocession.
--resampling --hybrid_validation
is also not available for upp as it does both splits at the resampling step
After that one can use the results of the preprocessing for umami trainig for example for DL1 or DIPS.
One can either only run --resampling
and --scaling
and train on the structured array data using TDDgenerator by setting your training configs similar to this:
# Set modelname and path to Pflow preprocessing config file
model_name: user_DL1r-PFlow_new-taggers-stats-22M-tdd-upp
preprocess_config: /home/users/o/oleksiyu/WORK/umami/user/upp_prep_small/config/upp_prepr.yaml
# Add here a pretrained model to start with.
# Leave empty for a fresh start
# Add training file
train_file: <base_dir><out_dir>pp_output_train.h5
# Defining templates for the variable cuts
#Add validation files
path: <base_dir><out_dir>pp_output_val.h5
label: "Hybrid Validation"
path: <base_dir><out_dir>pp_output_test_ttbar.h5
<<: *variable_cuts_ttbar
path: <base_dir><out_dir>pp_output_test_zprime.h5
<<: *variable_cuts_zpext
train_file: <base_dir><out_dir>pp_output_train_resampled_scaled_shifted.h5
Created: October 16, 2023