Before running UPP, make sure you have modified the configuration file according to the configuration instructions
Basic Usage#
To run all preprocessing stages for the train
split use:
preprocess --config configs/test.yaml
For a comprehensive list of available flags, refer to preprocess --help
If you are running on lxplus you may need to use python3 upp/
instead of preprocess
The data is divided into three splits: training (train
), validation (val
), and testing (test
These splits are defined in configuration files, typically based on the eventNumber
By default, the train split contains 80% of the jets, while val and test contain 10% each.
If you want to preprocess the val
or test
split, use the --split
preprocess --config configs/config.yaml --split val
You can also process train
, val
, and test
with a single command using --split=all
The preprocessing is broken up into several stages.
To run with only specific stages enabled, include the flag for the required stages:
preprocess --config configs/config.yaml --prep --resample
To run the whole chain excluding certain stages, include the corresponding negative flag (--no-*
For example to run without plotting
preprocess --config configs/config.yaml --no-plot
The stages are described below.
1. Prepare#
The prepare stage (--prep
) reads a specified number of jets (num_jets_estimate_hist
) for each flavor and constructs histograms of the resampling variables.
These histograms are stored in <base_dir>/hists
This step can be paralellised to speed up the histogram creation. To do so, you need to provide the additional --component
flag. The argument for the flag is the name of the component, which is to be processed. The argument can be constructed when looking closer at the different blocks in the components
part of the config file. As an example, we take the ghost-highstat.yaml
config file from the gn3
folder in configs/
- region:
<<: *lowpt
<<: *ttbar
flavours: [ghostsplitbjets]
num_jets: 22_000_000
num_jets_test: 2_000_000
The argument for the component flag can be constructed by taking the name of the region (this is defined in the definition of lowpt
lowpt: &lowpt
name: lowpt
- [pt_btagJes, ">", 20_000]
- [pt_btagJes, "<", 250_000]
plus the name of the sample which is used (this is defined in the definition of ttbar
ttbar: &ttbar
name: ttbar
equal_jets: False
- "user.svanstro.601589.e8547_s3797_r13144_p6368.tdd.GN3_dev.25_2_27.24-09-17_v00_output.h5/*.h5" # mc20d
- "user.svanstro.601589.e8549_s4159_r14799_p6368.tdd.GN3_dev.25_2_27.24-09-17_v00_output.h5/*.h5" # mc23a
and finally the flavour that is used. In this case, ghostsplitbjets
. The full name of the component is therefore: lowpt_ttbar_ghostsplitbjets
. The full command would look like this:
preprocess --config configs/config.yaml --prep --component lowpt_ttbar_bjets
It is hardly discouraged to run multiple steps with this option enabled. This option is mainly to paralellise the processing on HPCs.
2. Resample#
The resample stage (--resample
) resamples jets to achieve similar p_T and \eta distributions across flavours.
After execution, resampled samples for each flavor, sample, and split are saved separately in <base_dir>/components/<split>/
You need to run the resampling stage even if you don't apply any resampling (e.g. you configured with method: none
Similar to the --prep
step, the resampling step is also able to run in parallel, but only for the different region (e.g. lowpt
& highpt
). To do so, you need to run with the command line argument --region
which takes as input the region on which to run. Please ensure that all components for this region were prepared in the --prep
step before running this!
The command to run the specific region would look like this:
preprocess --config configs/config.yaml --resample --region lowpt
Similar to the --prep
step, it is discouraged to run this multiple steps with this option enabled. This option is mainly to paralellise the processing on HPCs. Once all regions are resampled, you can continue with the following steps.
3. Merge#
The merge stage (--merge
) combines the resampled samples into a single file named <tbase_dir>/<out_dir>/pp_output_<split>.h5
It also handles shuffling.
4. Normalise#
The normalise stage (--norm
) calculates scaling and shifting values for all variables intended for training based on (num_jets_estimate_norm
). The results are stored in<tbase_dir>/<out_dir>/norm_dict.yaml
5. Plotting#
The plotting stage (--plot
) produces histograms of resampled variables to verify the resampling quality.
You can find these plots in <tbase_dir>/plots/
Created: September 5, 2023