Umami plotting interface tutorial#
In this tutorial you will learn how to use puma
, the Plotting UMami Api.
The idea behind puma
is to provide a plotting API that is easy to use but at the same
time highly configurable.
This means that the user has full control over the plot while things like uncertainties,
labels, ratio panels can be added easily.
You can find the puma
documentation here.
is based on matplotlib
and helps you to produce most of the types of
plots that are commonly used in flavour tagging like the ones shown below:
ROC curves | Histogram plots | Variable vs efficiency |
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In this tutorial you will learn how to:
- A small introduction to the different metrics used in flavour tagging.
- Plot histograms with
, where you will produce plots of both jet- and track-variables. - Plot ROC curves of two taggers, with ratio panels that compare the curves.
- Plot the efficiency/rejection of a tagger as a function of p_T.
- Plot the input variables of the files using Umami.
The tutorial is meant to be followed in a self-guided manner. You will be prompted to do certain tasks by telling you what the desired outcome will be, without telling you how to do it. Using the documentation of the training-dataset-dumper, you can find out how to achieve your goal. In case you are stuck, you can click on the "hint" toggle box to get a hint. If you tried for more than 10 min at a problem, feel free to toggle also the solution with a worked example.
Setting Up Everything You Need#
For the tutorial, you will need both puma
and (for the Task 4) umami
. While puma
can be easily installed via the command
pip install puma-hep
installing umami
is not so easy. Due to this fact, we encourage you to use docker or
singularity images from umami
is already installed in there). An explanation
how to run singularity images (also on lxplus) can be found here.
If you have access to the cvmfs
, you can easily run this from there without building the
container locally again (also explained here).
For this tutorial, two .h5
files were prepared, one t\bar{t} and one Z' file. You
can download them from the eos
directly. The path to the directory where the files are
stored is /eos/user/u/umamibot/tutorials/
Tutorial tasks#
The tasks are divided in several sub-tasks. You don't have to do all of them in case you are more interested in the other tasks. However, the sub-tasks depend on each other, so you should finish a subtask before proceeding to the next one (also the solutions assume that you already have the previous subtasks completed).
Task 0: Flavour tagging metrics#
To get started with the plotting, we will first have a quick look into different metrics used in flavour tagging to evaluate the performance.
Task 0.1: Generating dummy data#
The typical output of our ML-based taggers, like DIPS or DL1d, are 3 scores indicating
the probabilities of being a light-flavour jet, a c-jet and a b-jet. For example the scores
[0.1, 0.3, 0.6]
would indicate that we have most probably a b-jet while [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]
would indicate a light-flavour jet.
Even though we always have MC simulation, it is sometimes useful to have dummy data, for instance if we want to test certain plotting features etc. (and to understand the actual underlying distributions).
Now, it is up to you. Generate a dummy multi-class output of a neural network.
Hint: Where can I find such a function?
You can have a look at the puma documentation and search in the API reference.
Hint: Which exact function?
the puma.utils.generate
module contains the desired functions
from puma.utils.generate import get_dummy_multiclass_scores
# Generating 10_000 jets
dummy_jets, dummy_labels = get_dummy_multiclass_scores()
Task 0.2: Defining Working points - Likelihood ratio#
Since we are not (yet) able to calibrate the entire spectrum of the different multi-class outputs, we need to define so-called working points (or operating points). In the case of ATLAS, we have four different b-tagging working points (WPs) which are defined covering various needs of the physics analyses. The efficiency of a specific flavour j (b, c or light) is defined as
where N_\text{pass}^j(\mathcal{D}>T_f) are the number of jets of flavour j passing the cut T_f on the tagger discriminant \mathcal{D} and N_\text{total}^j are all jets of flavour j before the cut.
The final output score is calculated from the multi-class output and results for the b-tagging discriminant into the log-likelihood
with p_b, p_c and p_l being the probabilities for the jet to be a b-jet, c-jet or light-flavour jet, respectively. The c-jet fraction f_c allows to tune how much emphasis is given to the c-jet or to the light-flavour performance. While the c-jet rejection increases as a function of f_c, the light-flavour jet rejection decreases. This parameter has to be tuned separately for each tagger and depends on the needs of the physics analyses.
The advantage of the multi-class output is that this tuning is possible after the training and the c-jet fraction in the training sample does not have to be adapted. Another advantage of the multi-class output is that one can by changing the log-likelihood to
perform c-tagging without the need of retraining the tagger. Here f_b is now the b-jet fraction.
Define a function which calculates the log-likelihood, when giving it the 3 scores and the f_c value as input.
Hint 1
You can either use a python function def
or a lambda
Hint 2
In the puma examples you might find something similar.
You can find the solution in the histogram example of the puma documentation.
import numpy as np
def disc_fct(arr: np.ndarray, f_c: float = 0.018) -> np.ndarray:
"""Tagger discriminant
arr : numpy.ndarray
array with with shape (, 3)
f_c : float, optional
f_c value in the discriminant (weight for c-jets rejection)
Array with the discriminant values inside.
# you can adapt this for your needs
return np.log(arr[2] / (f_c * arr[1] + (1 - f_c) * arr[0]))
# you can also use a lambda function
# fc = 0.018
# lambda a: np.log(a[2] / (fc * a[1] + (1 - fc) * a[0]))
Using the dummy data
from task 0.1, calculate the log-likelihood with f_c=0.018 and
retrieve the working point cut value for 70% b-jet efficiency.
Hint: Where to get the labels from?
the labels
from task 0.1 have the same values as the HadronConeExclTruthLabelID
described in the FTAG algo docs.
Hint: Which function to use?
You can have a look at the percentile
function from numpy
Be aware from which site we need to integrate!
And the apply_along_axis
function to evaluate an entire array.
import numpy as np
bjets = dummy_labels == 5
scores = np.apply_along_axis(disc_fct, axis=1, arr=dummy_jets)
target_eff = 0.7
cutvalue = np.percentile(scores[bjets], 100.0 * (1.0 - target_eff))
print("cut value for 70% b-jet efficiency:", cutvalue)
Task 0.3: Performance metrics - efficiency and rejection#
To quantify the performance of a tagger at a given working point, the background rejection is a good measure. The rejection is simply the inverse of the efficiency \frac{1}{\varepsilon^j}.
Calculate the light-flavour jet and c-jet rejection for the 70% working point from task 0.2.
ljets = dummy_labels == 0
cjets = dummy_labels == 4
ljets_eff = ((scores > cutvalue) & ljets).sum() / ljets.sum()
print("light-flavour jets efficiency:", ljets_eff)
print("light-flavour jets rejection:", 1 / ljets_eff)
cjets_eff = ((scores > cutvalue) & cjets).sum() / cjets.sum()
print("c-flavour jets efficiency:", cjets_eff)
print("c-flavour jets rejection:", 1 / cjets_eff)
Alternatively, all this functionality is also provided by puma.metrics
In that case this would simplify to
from puma.metrics import calc_rej
ljets = dummy_labels == 0
cjets = dummy_labels == 4
rej = calc_rej(scores[bjets], scores[ljets], target_eff=0.7)
print("light-flavour jets rejection:", rej)
Starting from these metrics, we can plot for instance:
- ROC curves: which show the background rejection as function of the b-jet efficency
- Efficiency vs p_T: where one fixes a working point and calculates the background rejection in bins of p_T
Task 1: Histogram plots#
Task 1.1: Loading the h5 file#
Before starting with the different plotting exercises, you have to load the h5 file
that was prepared for this tutorial.
The expected outcome of this is that you have access to the jet variables as well as
to the track variables. You can put the jet variables in a pandas.DataFrame
in case
you feel more comfortable with that, but this will not be possible for the tracks,
since the tracks_loose
dataset in the h5 file has an extra dimension for the tracks
(for each jet we store the information of up to 40 tracks).
- Write a little python script that loads the jet and track variables.
- Have a look at how large the dataset is, and what shape the loaded arrays have.
For the following tasks you can re-use the code that loads the h5 file or just extend your python script from this task.
Hint: how can I load a h5 file with python?
You can find the documentation of h5py
import h5py
ttbar_filepath = "/eos/user/u/umamibot/tutorials/ttbar.h5"
# load the "jets" and "tracks_loose" dataset from the h5 file
with h5py.File(ttbar_filepath, "r") as h5file:
jets = h5file["jets"][:]
tracks = h5file["tracks_loose"][:]
# print the shape and the field names of the datasets
Task 1.2: Plotting the p_T distribution for jets of different flavours#
As a next step, you will produce a histogram plot that shows the p_T distribution of light-flavour jets, b-jets and b-jets.
Hint: How do I create a histogram plot with puma
You can find the examples of histogram plots
here and the
documentation for histogram plots with puma
import h5py
from puma import Histogram, HistogramPlot
ttbar_filepath = "/eos/user/u/umamibot/tutorials/ttbar.h5"
# load the jets dataset from the h5 file
with h5py.File(ttbar_filepath, "r") as h5file:
jets = h5file["jets"][:]
# defining boolean arrays to select the different flavour classes
is_light = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 0
is_c = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 4
is_b = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 5
# initialise the plot
pt_plot = HistogramPlot(
bins_range=(0, 250_000),
xlabel="$p_T$ [MeV]",
ylabel="Normalised number of jets",
# add the histograms
pt_plot.add(Histogram(jets[is_light]["pt_btagJes"], flavour="ujets"))
pt_plot.add(Histogram(jets[is_c]["pt_btagJes"], flavour="cjets"))
pt_plot.add(Histogram(jets[is_b]["pt_btagJes"], flavour="bjets"))
Task 1.3: Plot the b-jets probability output of two different taggers#
In this task you will plot the b-jets probability of two different taggers - RNNIP and DIPS.
- Create the histogram plot (similar to the one from the previous task) and the different histograms. If you plot this for light-flavour jets, c-jets and b-jets, you should have 6 histograms.
- Make sure that you use a different linestyle for the histgrams of you second tagger.
- Add a ratio panel to the plot
- Make your plot look pretty. Have a look at the arguments that are supported by
Hint 1: Histogram and HistogramPlot objects
After you defined your HistogramPlot object, you can start adding lines to it. This lines are the Histogram objects you need to define.
Hint 2: Linestyle
The linestyle
can be set when the different Histogram
lines are initalised.
Hint 3: Ratio Panel
The ratio for the ratio panel is calculated in this case between the same flavours. But you
need to tell the plot which of the Histogram objects is the reference. Try to look up the
option in the add()
tagger_output_plot = HistogramPlot(
xlabel="$b$-jets probability",
ylabel="Normalised number of jets",
# optional:
# figsize=(6, 4.5),
# leg_ncol=2,
# atlas_second_tag="$t\\bar{t}$ R22 sample",
# logy=True,
# add the histograms
Histogram(jets[is_light]["rnnip_pb"], ratio_group="ujets", flavour="ujets"),
Histogram(jets[is_c]["rnnip_pb"], ratio_group="cjets", flavour="cjets"),
Histogram(jets[is_b]["rnnip_pb"], ratio_group="bjets", flavour="bjets"),
# add the histograms
Task 1.4: Plot a track variable of your choice#
In this task you are asked to make a histogram plot of a track variable.
This is slightly more tricky, since the array that you load from the h5 file has a
different shape compared to the array storing the jet information. In addition to that,
many entries might be filled with nan
values, which is challenging here and there.
- Choose a track variable that you want to plot.
- Create a histogram plot (maybe again for multiple flavours, but that is up to you).
Hint 1: NaN-Values in binning
If you encounter an issue with NaN values in the binning, you need to set the
correctly, because with NaN values it cannot be calculated automatically.
Hint 2: Difference in Shape
Due to the dimensionality of tracks, you need to get rid of one of the dimensions.
Try the .flatten()
option of numpy.ndarray
with h5py.File(ttbar_filepath, "r") as h5file:
tracks = h5file["/tracks_loose"][:, :]
d0_plot = HistogramPlot(
bins_range=(-3, 3),
xlabel="$d_0$ significance",
ylabel="Normalised number of tracks",
figsize=(6, 4.5),
tracks["IP3D_signed_d0_significance"][is_light, :].flatten(), flavour="ujets"
Histogram(tracks["IP3D_signed_d0_significance"][is_c, :].flatten(), flavour="cjets")
Histogram(tracks["IP3D_signed_d0_significance"][is_b, :].flatten(), flavour="bjets")
Task 2: ROC plots#
In this task, you will plot a ROC comparison for the two taggers RNNIP and DIPS.
Task 2.1: Calculate the rejections as a function of the b-jets efficiency#
Before you can actually plot the ROC curves, you have to calculate the light-flavour and c-jets rejection for a range of b-jets efficiencies.
- Define a function that calculates the b-jets discriminant from the tagger output.
- Calculate the light-flavour jets rejection as a function of the b-jets efficiency.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
from puma import Roc, RocPlot
from puma.metrics import calc_rej
ttbar_filepath = "/eos/user/u/umamibot/tutorials/ttbar.h5"
# load the jets dataset from the h5 file
with h5py.File(ttbar_filepath, "r") as h5file:
jets = pd.DataFrame(h5file["jets"][:])
# defining boolean arrays to select the different flavour classes
is_light = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 0
is_c = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 4
is_b = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 5
# define a small function to calculate discriminant
def disc_fct(arr: np.ndarray, f_c: float = 0.018) -> np.ndarray:
"""Tagger discriminant
arr : numpy.ndarray
array with with shape (, 3)
f_c : float, optional
f_c value in the discriminant (weight for c-jets rejection)
Array with the discriminant values inside.
# you can adapt this for your needs
return np.log(arr[2] / (f_c * arr[1] + (1 - f_c) * arr[0]))
# calculate discriminant
discs_rnnip = np.apply_along_axis(
disc_fct, 1, jets[["rnnip_pu", "rnnip_pc", "rnnip_pb"]].values
discs_dips = np.apply_along_axis(
["dipsLoose20220314v2_pu", "dipsLoose20220314v2_pc", "dipsLoose20220314v2_pb"]
# defining target efficiency
sig_eff = np.linspace(0.49, 1, 20)
# defining boolean arrays to select the different flavour classes
is_light = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 0
is_c = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 4
is_b = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 5
n_jets_light = sum(is_light)
n_jets_c = sum(is_c)
rnnip_ujets_rej = calc_rej(discs_rnnip[is_b], discs_rnnip[is_light], sig_eff)
dips_ujets_rej = calc_rej(discs_dips[is_b], discs_dips[is_light], sig_eff)
Task 2.2:#
- Plot the light-flavour jets rejection as a function of the b-jets efficiency. Use
to also get the ratio of the two rejection curves.
Hint 1: How do I initialise a ROC curve plot?
Plotting ROC curves with puma
is similar to plotting histograms. The main difference
is that you are using the puma.RocPlot
and puma.Roc
classes. Search the
[puma docs] for "roc" to have a look at an example and the API reference.
Hint 2: I initialised the plot and added the ROC curves - is there anything else to do?
For ROC curves you also have to define the class which is drawn in the ratio panel.
The method you need to use here is RocPlot.set_ratio_class()
# here the plotting of the roc starts
roc_plot = RocPlot(
ylabel="Background rejection",
xlabel="$b$-jets efficiency",
atlas_second_tag="$\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ Release 22, \n$f_c=0.018$",
roc_plot.set_ratio_class(1, "ujets", label="Light-flavour jets ratio")
roc_plot.set_leg_rej_labels("ujets", "Light-flavour jets rejection")
roc_plot.savefig("tutorial_roc.png", transparent=False)
Task 2.3: Add the c-rejection to your plot#
- Repeat the calculation of the rejection for c-jets
- Add the corresponding ROC curves to the plot. Don't forget to increase
of yourpuma.RocPlot
Hint 1: How can I modify the legend that states which linestyle corresponds to the different rejection classes
You can add labels for the different rejection classes using the RocPlot.set_leg_rej_labels()
rnnip_cjets_rej = calc_rej(discs_rnnip[is_b], discs_rnnip[is_c], sig_eff)
dips_cjets_rej = calc_rej(discs_dips[is_b], discs_dips[is_c], sig_eff)
# add this to the code from the previous task (has to be before the RocPlot.draw()
# method is called)
roc_plot.set_ratio_class(2, "cjets", label="$c$-jets ratio")
roc_plot.set_leg_rej_labels("cjets", "$c$-jets rejection")
Task 3: p_T vs. efficiency#
In this task, you will plot both the b-jets efficiency and the light-flavour jets rejection for specific bins of p_T.
Task 3.1: Calculate the discriminant values#
Just like you did in Task 2.1, calculate the discriminant scores for RNNIP and DIPS. You can reuse the code from task 2.1. If you are putting everything in one python script you can just reuse the values that are already calculated.
Task 3.2: Create a p_T vs. b-efficiency plot#
For a fixed inclusive b-efficiency, you plot the b-efficiency for different bins of p_T.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
from puma import VarVsEff, VarVsEffPlot
ttbar_filepath = "/eos/user/u/umamibot/tutorials/ttbar.h5"
# load the jets dataset from the h5 file
with h5py.File(ttbar_filepath, "r") as h5file:
jets = pd.DataFrame(h5file["jets"][:])
# define a small function to calculate discriminant
def disc_fct(arr: np.ndarray, f_c: float = 0.018) -> np.ndarray:
"""Tagger discriminant
arr : numpy.ndarray
array with with shape (, 3)
f_c : float, optional
f_c value in the discriminant (weight for c-jets rejection)
Array with the discriminant values inside.
# you can adapt this for your needs
return np.log(arr[2] / (f_c * arr[1] + (1 - f_c) * arr[0]))
# calculate discriminant
discs_rnnip = np.apply_along_axis(
disc_fct, 1, jets[["rnnip_pu", "rnnip_pc", "rnnip_pb"]].values
discs_dips = np.apply_along_axis(
["dipsLoose20220314v2_pu", "dipsLoose20220314v2_pc", "dipsLoose20220314v2_pb"]
# Getting jet pt in GeV
pt = jets["pt"].values / 1e3
# defining target efficiency
sig_eff = np.linspace(0.49, 1, 20)
# defining boolean arrays to select the different flavour classes
is_light = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 0
is_c = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 4
is_b = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 5
# here the plotting starts
# define the curves
rnnip_light = VarVsEff(
bins=[20, 30, 40, 60, 85, 110, 140, 175, 250],
dips_light = VarVsEff(
bins=[20, 30, 40, 60, 85, 110, 140, 175, 250],
# You can choose between different modes: "sig_eff", "bkg_eff", "sig_rej", "bkg_rej"
plot_sig_eff = VarVsEffPlot(
ylabel="$b$-jets efficiency",
xlabel=r"$p_{T}$ [GeV]",
atlas_second_tag="$\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, PFlow jets, \n$t\\bar{t}$ sample, $f_{c}=0.018$",
figsize=(6, 4.5),
plot_sig_eff.add(rnnip_light, reference=True)
plot_sig_eff.atlas_second_tag += "\nInclusive $\\epsilon_b=70%%$"
# If you want to inverse the discriminant cut you can enable it via
# plot_sig_eff.set_inverse_cut()
# Drawing a hline indicating inclusive efficiency
plot_sig_eff.savefig("tutorial_pt_b_eff.png", transparent=False)
Task 3.3: Create a p_T vs. light-flavour jets rejection plot#
# reuse the VarVsEff objects that were defined for the previous exercise
plot_bkg_rej = VarVsEffPlot(
ylabel="Light-flavour jets rejection",
xlabel=r"$p_{T}$ [GeV]",
atlas_second_tag="$\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, PFlow jets \n$t\\bar{t}$ sample, $f_{c}=0.018$",
figsize=(6, 4.5),
plot_sig_eff.atlas_second_tag += "\nInclusive $\\epsilon_b=70%%$"
plot_bkg_rej.add(rnnip_light, reference=True)
Task 4: Plotting inside of Umami#
Although puma
gives you the opportunity to plot all the histograms by yourself in a very easy way, most of the plots you did up till now are also producable via umami
. We will start in this tutorial with the plotting of input variables with some specific settings. To do so, you need to fork and clone the umami
repository from here.
Task 4.1: Setup umami#
To use all the functionalities of umami
, you need to properly setup and load umami
. Try to access the umami
singularity image and source the
Hint: Setup umami
You can find the documentation of umami
Solution: Setup umami
After you have forked and downloaded it, you can (and should be able to) switch to the umami folder and start the umami
singularity image (the same one you are already using). Now you just need to run the setup for umami
which should load all needed settings for umami
Task 4.2: Create a new Plotting Config File#
uses yaml files as config files for most of it's functions. One of the most basic functionalities is the plotting of variables inside a .h5
file which was produced by the training-dataset-dumper. To do so, you need to create a new yaml config file. This config file should contain for now just one dict named Eval_parameters
with two entries: nJets
and var_dict
. nJets
is an int
for how many jets will be used for plotting and var_dict
is a string with the path to the variable config which will be used. For this tutorial, you can use one of the configs provided inside of umami
. The path is umami/umami/configs/Umami_Variables_R22.yaml
Hint: Create a new plotting config file
A little explanation how python dicts are written in yaml files is given here
Solution: Create a new plotting config file
nJets: 3e4
var_dict: <path_palce_holder>/umami/umami/configs/Dips_Variables.yaml
Task 4.3: Plot Jet Input Variables#
The most basic to plot are the jet-level variables. To plot those, you need to add a new entry to the dict in the yaml file. The name of the entry is not relevant but this dict entry needs very specific keys. To guide you trough the process, small sub-tasks are given here.
To run the plotting of the jet variables, you need to run the following command in the umami/umami/
directory -c <path/to/config> --jets
Task 4.3.1: Plot the p_T and |\eta| distribution#
Try to plot the pt_btagJes
and the absEta_btagJes
distributions for the ttbar and the Z' sample in the same and in two different plots. Plot this for
the b-, c- and light jets (all in one plot).
Hint: Plot the p_T and |\eta| distribution
The explanation of the different options are given here. The label values of the different flavours can be found here.
Solution: Plot the p_T and |\eta| distribution
variables: "jets"
folder_to_save: jets_input_vars
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
pt_btagJes: 100
absEta_btagJes: 100
b: 5
c: 4
u: 0
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
variables: "jets"
folder_to_save: jets_input_vars
files: <path_palce_holder>/zpext.h5
label: "zpext"
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
pt_btagJes: 100
absEta_btagJes: 100
b: 5
c: 4
u: 0
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
variables: "jets"
folder_to_save: jets_input_vars
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
files: <path_palce_holder>/zpext.h5
label: "zpext"
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
pt_btagJes: 100
absEta_btagJes: 100
b: 5
c: 4
u: 0
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
Task 4.3.2: Adding new Variables to the Variable Config File#
Try to add the output probabilities of the dipsLoose20220314v2
tagger to the var_dict
file in a new sublist called DIPS
. The probabilites are named using the tagger name and the probability in short form, i.e. dipsLoose20220314v2_pb
Hint: Adding new Variables to the Variable Config File
The var_dict
file can be found in the umami folder under the path umami/umami/configs/Umami_Variables_R22.yaml
The variable names you need to add are dipsLoose20220314v2_pb
, dipsLoose20220314v2_pc
, dipsLoose20220314v2_pu
To plot the new variables, you need to also add them to the binning
of the already existing config entries.
Solution: Adding new Variables to the Variable Config File
variables: "jets"
folder_to_save: jets_input_vars
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
pt_btagJes: 100
absEta_btagJes: 100
dipsLoose20220314v2_pb: 100
dipsLoose20220314v2_pc: 100
dipsLoose20220314v2_pu: 100
b: 5
c: 4
u: 0
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
The other two can be adapted similary.
Task 4.3.3: Adding specific lower and upper x-limits#
Try to plot the JetFitterSecondaryVertex_nTracks
variable from 0
to 17
with 17 bins.
Hint: Adding specific lower and upper x-limits
The entry, like binning
and flavours
, you are looking for is called special_param_jets
. You
can look this up here.
Solution: Adding specific lower and upper x-limits
variables: "jets"
folder_to_save: jets_input_vars
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
pt_btagJes: 100
absEta_btagJes: 100
dipsLoose20220314v2_pb: 100
dipsLoose20220314v2_pc: 100
dipsLoose20220314v2_pu: 100
JetFitterSecondaryVertex_nTracks: 17
b: 5
c: 4
u: 0
lim_left: 0
lim_right: 17
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
The other two can be adapted similary.
Task 4.4: Plot Track Input Variables#
Due to the different dimensionality of the tracks
, the track input variables have their own plotting function. The setup for the plots is pretty similar to the ones of the jets. To guide you through the different possibilities you have when plotting, there are some sub-tasks.
To run the plotting of the track variables, you need to run the following command in the umami/umami/
directory -c <path/to/config> --tracks
Task 4.4.1: Plot all Tracks#
Try to plot the IP3D_signed_d0_significance
and the IP3D_signed_z0_significance
of the ttbar and Z' test files (ttbar only, Z' only, both in the same plots). You need to figure out how the tracks
are called inside the files to properly load them and plot them.
Hint: Plot all Tracks
The name of the tracks
in the files can be found out by using the h5ls
command. For the entry in the config, you can look into the documentation for the options you need to define. This can be done here.
Solution: Plot all Tracks
variables: "tracks"
folder_to_save: ttbar_only
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
tracks_name: "tracks_loose"
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
IP3D_signed_d0_significance: 100
IP3D_signed_z0_significance: 100
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
variables: "tracks"
folder_to_save: zpext_only
files: <path_palce_holder>/zpext.h5
label: "zpext"
tracks_name: "tracks_loose"
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
IP3D_signed_d0_significance: 100
IP3D_signed_z0_significance: 100
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
variables: "tracks"
folder_to_save: ttbar_zpext
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
tracks_name: "tracks_loose"
files: <path_palce_holder>/zpext.h5
label: "zpext"
tracks_name: "tracks_loose"
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
IP3D_signed_d0_significance: 100
IP3D_signed_z0_significance: 100
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
Task 4.4.2: Plot only Second-leading Tracks in ptfrac
One specific thing about the tracks is the ordering. To order them properly, you can give the sorting_variable
option which tells the function, after which variable the tracks are sorted (in decreasing order, starting with the highest value). Also, you can tell the function which n-leading tracks from each jet should be plotted.
Try to plot only the second leading tracks (ordered by ptfrac
Hint: Plot only Second-leading Tracks in ptfrac
You can adapt again the plot config of the last sub-task. The options you need here to add can be found here.
Solution: Plot only Second-leading Tracks in ptfrac
variables: "tracks"
folder_to_save: ttbar_only
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
tracks_name: "tracks_loose"
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
sorting_variable: "ptfrac"
n_leading: [2]
IP3D_signed_d0_significance: 100
IP3D_signed_z0_significance: 100
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
The other two can be adapted similary.
Task 4.5: Plot Number of Tracks per Flavour#
Another important factor of the tracks is the track multiplicity for the given jets. This can also be plotted using the umami. To do so, you need to define another entry in your config file. In theory, you can keep the basic structure from the tracks
plotting, but you can get rid of the binning
part and set the nTracks
argument to True
Try to plot the number of tracks for the files (ttbar, Z', both) for the three basic flavours.
Hint: Plot Number of Tracks per Flavour
All options available (and which are necessary and optional) can be found here.
Solution: Plot Number of Tracks per Flavour
variables: "tracks"
folder_to_save: nTracks_ttbar
nTracks: True
files: <path_palce_holder>/ttbar.h5
label: "ttbar"
tracks_name: "tracks_loose"
logy: True
use_atlas_tag: True
atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
atlas_second_tag: "$\\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, $t\\bar{t}$ PFlow jets \n30000 jets"
y_scale: 2
figsize: [7, 5]
class_labels: ["bjets", "cjets", "ujets"]
The other two can be adapted similary.
Bonus tasks#
Run over a Run-3 MC sample and compare the pileup distributions#
This task will extend over the simple histogram plotting you already encountered in Task 1. You are asked to compare distributions from two different files: the Run-2 MC for the Z' sample and the Run-3 MC for the Z' sample.
For this task, you will:
- Download the Z' sample for the Run-3 MC
. - Write a plotting script to compare the
between the two samples.
Copy the Run-3 MC file (assuming you work on lxplus):
cp /eos/user/u/umamibot/tutorials/zpext_run3.h5 </path/to/tutorial/data/>
You should provide a path for the dummy </path/to/tutorial/data/>
in the command above and in the
python example below:
import numpy as np
import h5py
from puma import Histogram, HistogramPlot
# load the "jets" datasets from the h5 files
filepath_run2 = "/path/to/tutorial/data/zpext.h5"
with h5py.File(filepath_run2, "r") as h5file:
jets_run2 = h5file["jets"][:]
filepath_run3 = "/path/to/tutorial/data/zpext_run3.h5"
with h5py.File(filepath_run3, "r") as h5file:
jets_run3 = h5file["jets"][:]
variable = "averageInteractionsPerCrossing"
run_2 = Histogram(jets_run2[variable], label="Run 2 MC")
run_3 = Histogram(jets_run3[variable], label="Run 3 MC")
# Initialise histogram plot
plot_histo = HistogramPlot(
ylabel="Number of events",
xlabel=r"average interactions per crossing $\langle\mu\rangle$ [a.u.]",
bins_range=(10, 70),
atlas_first_tag="Simulation Internal",
atlas_second_tag="Example for a comparison plot",
figsize=(6, 5),
# Add histograms and plot
plot_histo.add(run_2, reference=True)
plot_histo.savefig("histogram_pileup.png", transparent=False)
Compare the "flipped taggers" to the regular flavour tagging algorithms#
This task further extends over the simple histogram plotting you already encountered in Task 1. You are asked to compare distributions from a regular flavour tagging algorithm and a so-called "flipped tagger", which is a modified version of the flavour tagging algorithm used for light-jet mistag calibration. For this version, the sign of d0/z0 signed impact parameter is flipped, resulting in a selection of jets with “negative lifetime”.
Consequently, the flipped tagger's b-tagging efficiency is reduced while its light-jet mistag rate is left unchanged.
For this task, you will:
- Write a plotting script to compare the scores p_b, p_c, and p_u, for the RNNIP tagger to the flipped version. You should produce three plots, one for each score (such as p_b), which show the distributions of the RNNIP tagger and the flipped RNNIP tagger overlaid for the three different jet flavours b-jets, c-jets and light-flavour jets.
- Next, extend the script to compare also the flavour tagging discriminant based on the flipped tagger and the regular RNNIP tagger. You should produce one plot which compares the distributions of the RNNIP tagger and the flipped RNNIP tagger overlaid for the three different jet flavours b-jets, c-jets and light-flavour jets.
Hint: Names of the RNNIP tagger and the flipped tagger scores and the corresponding b-tagging discriminant
The names of the RNNIP tagger scores are
The names of the flipped version are
An example how the discriminant can be calculated is provided in one of the puma example scripts.
You should provide the path for the dummy </path/to/tutorial/data/>
in the python example below:
import numpy as np
import h5py
import pandas as pd
from puma import Histogram, HistogramPlot
# load the "jets" dataset from the h5 file
filepath = "/path/to/tutorial/data/ttbar.h5"
with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as h5file:
jets = h5file["jets"][:]
jets = pd.DataFrame(jets)
# defining boolean arrays to select the different flavour classes
is_light = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 0
is_c = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 4
is_b = jets["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 5
# Calculate discriminant scores for RNNIP and flipped tagger, and add them to the dataframe
FRAC_C = 0.07
jets["disc_rnnip"] = np.log(
jets["rnnip_pb"] / (FRAC_C * jets["rnnip_pc"] + (1 - FRAC_C) * jets["rnnip_pu"])
jets["disc_rnnipflip"] = np.log(
jets["rnnipflip_pb"] / (FRAC_C * jets["rnnipflip_pc"] + (1 - FRAC_C) * jets["rnnipflip_pu"])
variables = [
('rnnip_pu', 'rnnipflip_pu'),
('rnnip_pc', 'rnnipflip_pc'),
('rnnip_pb', 'rnnipflip_pb'),
('disc_rnnip', 'disc_rnnipflip'),
axis_labels = {
'rnnip_pu': 'RNNIP $p_{light}$',
'rnnip_pc': 'RNNIP $p_{c}$',
'rnnip_pb': 'RNNIP $p_{b}$',
'disc_rnnip': 'RNNIP b-tagging discriminant',
# plot score and discriminantdistributions
for v in variables:
rnnip_light = Histogram(jets[is_light][v[0]], flavour="ujets", label="RNNIP")
rnnip_c = Histogram(jets[is_c][v[0]], flavour="cjets", label="RNNIP")
rnnip_b = Histogram(jets[is_b][v[0]], flavour="bjets", label="RNNIP")
rnnip_light_flip = Histogram(jets[is_light][v[1]], linestyle="dashed", flavour="ujets", label="RNNIP (flip)")
rnnip_c_flip = Histogram(jets[is_c][v[1]], linestyle="dashed", flavour="cjets", label="RNNIP (flip)")
rnnip_b_flip = Histogram(jets[is_b][v[1]], linestyle="dashed", flavour="bjets", label="RNNIP (flip)")
# Initialise histogram plot
plot_histo = HistogramPlot(
ylabel="Number of events",
bins=np.linspace(-10, 10, 40) if v[0] == 'disc_rnnip' else np.linspace(0, 1, 20),
atlas_first_tag="Simulation Internal",
figsize=(6, 5),
# Add histograms and plot
plot_histo.add(rnnip_light, reference=True)
plot_histo.add(rnnip_c, reference=True)
plot_histo.add(rnnip_b, reference=True)
plot_histo.savefig(f"histogram_flip_{v[0]}.png", transparent=False)